Restoration Beyond Expectation is where you will find stories of God’s love and grace in our lives. This is where I will share experiences and special moments that I hope you can relate to and will encourage and inspire you. This is a place for us to learn about God and walk together through a journey of ups and downs toward the glory He has waiting for us.

Fervent Prayer Of A Righteous Man
Stunned by a second cancer diagnosis, God placed people in my path who prayed for me and lightened my load and stood before Him on my behalf.

Our Living Hope
The Sacrificial Lamb As we wake to the glory of Easter Sunday, I am reminded of the simplicity of the Gospel, the message of our Living HOPE. If you have ever struggled to understand it or share it, here goes: We are all sinners. We deserve God’s just punishment of death. But, because of God’s…

Rest In The Lord
Balancing Act Spring is upon us. Depending on where you live, you may be still weathering the winter cold, or you are well into a season of pollen and heat waves. I am experiencing the latter in North Carolina. One of my favorite things about spring is enjoying morning coffee and quite time on the…

Traveling Heart
Unsettled Do you ever feel unsettled by the busyness of life? Are you on a never-ending trip moving from one destination to another without deplaning?I often feel overwhelmed by the chaos that builds in my home and my mind from this endless voyage called life. This past week I cleaned my closet. That might not…

Why NOT Me?
The Question A few years ago, one of my students asked me if I had ever felt angry about having had cancer, or if I had ever questioned “Why me?” during or after my diagnosis and treatment. My response came easily, “No.” That question had honestly never crossed my mind. If I would have questioned…

Tea For Three
After “Tea For Three” I have realized that we don’t need a special plan. We just need to be available when God sets the appointment for us.